Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dave part 2

Just thought I would give an update on how the dave painting is going. I feel good about where it is going yet I am always open to suggestions. Working on this one is inspiring me to go forward with other ones and to revisit old paintings to update, I am not sure if I should update them with new skills or just leave them in their early stages of my development!


I had the most blessed chance a few weeks ago to spend two weeks out in the field with no showers, no bed and mre's to eat. Here is one of the first drawings I did while out in the field, helping other soldiers practice their job!

a tower

a humvee

I was waiting for a range to be cleared, and this was what I saw on the monitor that I had been using to aim the camera at the targets for the other soldiers to shoot at the night before at 1 in the morning.

a thermos

a tree